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The personality of the year 2013 Way of St James

16 Janvier 2014, 21:42pm

Publié par wayofsaintjames.over-blog.com













Mr Rémi Rivière





2013 was a major year for the pilgrims in Paris : for the first time in history, the St James tower was open to the public. So many people had waited long for such a cultural event ! Many thanks to  the Director of the Association of the tower of Jean sans Peur.


Monsieur Rémi Rivière is an archeologist. He is a fan of the Paris monuments. He likes to share them with the public. Sharing : that rings a bell to the pilgrims of St James and other pilgrims.


Last Summer after so many meetings, files and conversations with the City administration, he was allowed to program visits of the tower which in fact was originally the St James church bell tower.


A very symbolic spot. The pilgrims in Paris start from that point on their way to Chartres or Orléans , then Tours, Poitiers, Bordeaux and Spain. In the old times, that is where traditionally the pilgrims used to gather, have their belongings and themselves blessed  and from which they departed together, ready to face all the dangers of the route...                              


Below under the trees : the Way of St James


Mr Rivière has been proclaimed Personnality of the year 2013, that is the least we could do for him.


Most probably that experience will be repeated next Summer.


Together with the French and Foreign visitors, pilgrims or not, young and older ones we send him our congratulations like the ones we read in the Gold book.



Three examples : 









Le trésor du Livre d'Or




"What an amazing way to begin our Camino de Santiago (St Jean P de P - Compostela)

Many thanks ! Merci "

Leslie H. Cole + Erik B. Johnson

Seattle 1/19/13


"Pour les Pèlerins de Compostelle après 1750 km ! 300 marches ! C’est fabuleux pour arriver à ce paysage magnifique.


Translation : 300 steps for the Pilgrims of Santiago (1750 km) ! It's fabulous to reach such a view ! Thank you !

Françoise et Yves Chatelais Les Sables d’Olonne


And guess who ?


"Stupendous !

Be sure Tour St Jacques will be the venue of my next book…" 


Dan Brown


Links : 

A post about the opening of the tower


The personality of the Year 2012 was Mrs Kyndt for the bronze shell at the doorstep of the Massy tourist Office and the accomodation provided to the pilgrims.

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